Sunday 13 October 2013

Raj Babbar's Darbar

The news of calling off  a serious and sensitive meeting midway by the Chairman of Parliamentary Advisory committee for Defence, Mr.Raj Babbar,  Congress MP is deplorable AND SHAMEFUL.  The meeting which reportedly started at  1510 hrs and called off at 1630 hrs on 9th October by Mr.Raj Babbar to allow member committee MPs to catch a business  class flight was attended by Defense secretary, DGMO and some of the top guns of Army, Navy and Air force,  primarily to discuss the repeated incursion at Keran Sector  by Pakistani sponsored terrorists and to take remedial actions.  Suchmeetings held at the cost of  tax payers money,  needs utmost attention and time and no participant can abandon it on any silly personal reasoning. 

 The question is, how did Mr.Raj Babar, former B-Grade Bollywood actor , could land  a plum  position of chairing a crucial meeting for which he does't possess  any visible  qualification or ability.  He has entered political arena as a Samajawadi party member,  eventually  skipped  over to Congress and possibly was given this plum  position as part of the gratification.   This report is a sort of evidence which shows Mr.Babbar's and his cacoon of  MP's lack of seriousness and  sensitivity to the issue at hand  and their lack of  respect and concern for the parliamentary activity and defense needs.   Unbridled participation in such key matters is need of the hour whereas these  MPs are reported  more interested in the corridors of power,  meeting officials and  ministers on the frequent mission of influence peddling. Ignoring committee work and frequent absence therefrom are tantamount to undermining Indian democracy from within. If MPs do not understand and attend to this all important and wholesome political task, who else will do this?

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